Saturday, December 5, 2009

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A keyboard just for Gmail

Posted: 05 Dec 2009 09:21 AM PST

gboard1Yesterday Deepak Jain who is also a Editor with us at  rtBlogs, brought to my notice a keyboard which can only be used by Gmail users. I first thought it was a bit of a joke but the Gmail only device does exist and its called Gboard.

About G Board

  • This keybopard or rather keypad like device connects from a USB.
  • All its needs is a recent Windows OS or a Mac OS.
  • It needs browser which is recent. The website does not specify how recent but I assume all the builds over the last couple of years.
  • It is priced at $19.99.

Niche Devices and their need?

This is obviously a niche device and let me make it clear I am not really a fan of niche devices. I had once read about a device meant only for Twitter. A lot of experts panned it because it was priced almost as much as a smart phone.

The case with G Board is similar too. But I think it’s not really meant to be a functional entity but more like a collectors item for Gmail fans.

What do you think about such devices ? Do you think it’s a waste of time or do you think it has its own purposes? Do let me know through your comments.

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Google introduces Public DNS to speed up the internet

Posted: 04 Dec 2009 09:29 PM PST

Google recently launched it’s Public DNS service with a claim that they are looking to make the browsing experience faster. A faster internet is something that is very crucial to Google considering it’s domination of the internet. So with Google Public DNS they are looking to give us more options.

Google Code

Google Public DNS

Many amongst you might already know that DNS (Domain Name System) is used to fetch a website to your browser when you type in the URL. This DNS address is usually provided by your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

An Open or Public DNS is basically an alternative that can be used instead of the DNS address allotted by your ISP.

  • Changing to Google Public DNS would be a good idea if your ISP has DNS issues and a really good indication of that is if you are getting a lot of “Page not found” errors even with a decent internet speed.
  • Google Public DNS will store some private information of the user in a temporary log. This information with include the full IP address of the computer you are using. These temporary logs will be deleted every 24-48 hours.
  • There is quite a lot of information that will be stored in permanent logs which is mostly performance oriented. Some information of your location will be stored at the city/town level. This is being done for debugging and also improve the prefetching feature of Google Public DNS.
  • On the privacy front, Google will not link or co-relate any other logs of your usage with the Public DNS logs. In simpler words they will not collect details of your internet usage and then relate it to lets say your Google account.

Monetizing Redirection?

  • There will be some redirection concerns when using Google Public DNS. Redirection takes place when a page cannot be fetched incase the web address is entered incorrectly.
  • Google has been silent on this at the moment but really nothing can stop Google to show advertisements or redirect to Google search when a page cannot be fetched while using its DNS.

What good can come out of Google Public DNS?

An ISP which does not have a great record with it’s DNS servers might not get a lot of attention except by it’s estranged customers. Google being the internet giant it is, will be scrutinized very minutely and will receive bad press if it does not get Public DNS right.

This is a good thing as Google Public DNS still has to offer new services which can help filter and tune up your internet experience.

Let me know your experiences and thoughts on Public DNS through your comments.

Link: Google Public DNS Configuration

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