Monday, March 22, 2010

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Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

Grab .com Domain for 5.99$ from

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 11:56 AM PDT

Few days back we announced that we are launching few new portals and one of them is domain business.  rtCamp is now in domain business and to give privilege to rtBlogs readers we are giving away domain name for cheap till one week.


This week you can grab domain names for following rates :

  • .com domain name : 5.99$
  • .in domain name : 3.99$
  • domain name : 3.99$
  • .info domain name: 6.99$

This offer is just for one week and we accept payment via Paypal or credit card. So you can quickly search for domain name from Ilovethisdomain and grab your favorite domain name.


For any domain related enquiry feel free to catch me on twitter @denharsh.

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post Grab .com Domain for 5.99$ from is Published on Devils Workshop .

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List of 5 Websites to Post more than 140 Characters in Twitter

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 09:35 AM PDT

In previous article about twitter I have explained about the Importance of Twitter Search with a case study. In this article I am going to frame the list of 5 Web Sites that are offering us to post more than 140 Characters in Twitter. Isn’t it great to post more than 140 characters in Twitter.

Normally, we are allowed to post just 140 characters, So we need to minimize our content as much as possible such that it should be understandable and also should reach our readers as well as our friends. It’s bit tough job to frame the text within 140 characters, right!

So I have Listed the 5 web services that helps you to post more than 140 characters in your Twitter tweet box.

  1. Maxi Tweet
  2. Twuit
  3. XL Tweet
  4. Tiny Paste
  5. Twitter Contd

Maxi  Tweet : Feel free to use maxitweet as much as you like – for business, re-tweeting, information sharing and fun. You are allowed to enter upto 200 characters in the Tweet box at Twitter. Using Code XX5: tweet up to 500 characters – in code.

Twuit : provides you the provision to enter more 140 characters to Twitter, no text limit. The long message will be divided into 2 or more short tweets. You can also convert the tweet into any language, because this service provides you with the Language Translator tool.

XL Tweet : Post the tweet then XLTweet will tweet the first 120 chars, create a short URL, then save the rest on your own XLTweet page. In order to integrate this tweet with Twitter you need to enter your Twitter Username and password.

Tiny Paste : TinyPaste is almost similar like TinyURL. TinyURL able to turn the long URL into short one, where-as TinyPaste is able to turn long text into an URL. You can also earn money with this, if you connect this account with your paypal account than, you will earn 0.005$ for every unique visit.

Twitter Contd : Twitter Contd gives you more than 140 characters. You can post upto 1250 characters, upload photos to TwitPic, Shorten URLs, Top Current Twitter Trends in Flash Tag Cloud.

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post List of 5 Websites to Post more than 140 Characters in Twitter is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Create CSS borders without coding knowledge

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 07:16 AM PDT

Many developers who are experts are good at designing CSS borders. If you are a developer and using codes to design it can get a little boring or repetitive to create CSS borders. Here I think this tool called CSS Border Radius helps to create customized borders quickly and it also creates the code for me to copy paste into the file to play around with later.

About CSS Border Radius

  • The borders are at default 0 px which means at right angles.
  • Just click on the box with the numbers and select how curved you want the borders.
  • Once done the code is automatically created for CSS, WebKit, Gecko, just copy and paste it to start playing around with the predefined borders.

I am sure most professional developers will not really find this tool as useful but someone who is just pottering around and learning the ropes this can be quite helpful. It is a lot like creating vertical and horizontal menus without coding knowledge. Such tools are really good for starters to get a quite customized features to work on and maybe learn from to get better.

If you know of any more such tool, do drop in your comments and let me know.

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post Create CSS borders without coding knowledge is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Set Twitter update as your Gtalk Status

Posted: 22 Mar 2010 02:22 AM PDT

Twitter is gaining popularity day by day. There are so many applications and online services launched for twitter which allows users to set their twitter updated as Google Talk status. Recently, I came across a great tool, Twitter2GTalk, which enables Twitter users to set their updates as Gtalk status.


  • In order to use the service, open Twitter2Talk and click on Login on the top right corner. It uses your Gmail account to sign in.


  • Once you are logged in, click on settings and it will show you a small box. Enter the details and click submit.


  • Now all you have to do is update your status on Twitter and it will update your Gtalk status.


It will take up to 30 minutes for the server to update your Gtalk status.

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post Set Twitter update as your Gtalk Status is Published on Devils Workshop .

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How To Open Windows Media Player in Mini Mode Automatically [Tutorial]

Posted: 21 Mar 2010 09:08 PM PDT

Majority of Windows users use Windows Media Player as their default player to play audio/video files, not because it comes as with Windows but because it has so many options and customizations which other media players don't have.

For instance, WMP has an option which allows you to run media player in the mini mode automatically, which takes less time to load.

To enable the mini mode automatically in Windows Media Player 11, follow these steps:

1. Open Windows Media Player and navigate to Tools > Options.


2. Under Player tab, you will see an option "Start the mini player for file names that contains this text".


3. Now enter the file type which you want to open in mini mode e.g mp3 or wma etc.


4. You can not only chose specific file type but you can also select your drives in which you have music/video files. For instance, I want media player to open all the media files that are in my C: to open in mini mode.


5. Now, when I will try to open any media file from C:, it will open Windows Media Player in the mini mode.

This is a simple but useful tutorial for people who are using Windows media player on daily basis.

Meanwhile do let us know which multimedia player do you use on daily basis to play your favorite songs?

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post How To Open Windows Media Player in Mini Mode Automatically [Tutorial] is Published on Devils Workshop .

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