Sunday, March 7, 2010

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DestructingMessage: How to send self destructing Emails?

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 09:03 AM PST

Remember the sequence in Mission Impossible 2 where the lead character receives a message telling him of his mission which self destructs a few seconds later on listening to the message. Can we do this with emails?

Yes we can. I found Destructing Message a web service which does exactly that. It allows you to send email anonymously to a email address you want.


  • It was quite easy as the screen-shot can show you. You can either create a self-destructing link with a message or an email.
  • I could choose the message to destruct within 15 seconds as a minimum to a 5 minutes maximum.
  • The email is sent to the addressee but message is not show but a link is given to the person. Once you visit the link you can view the message and a counter counts down the seconds when the message will self destruct. ;-)

There are various reasons you might want to send such an email. This email seems to be a totally secure way to send a anonymous email. Also it’s impossible to keep the message around for later reference as it get deleted. There are many other services which offer such self destructing email services but most requite you to sign-up and register.

This temporary email or self destruct message can also be useful to compel someone to take action. You can compel the person reading it to click on a link or take action as the message would be lost in 5 minutes. A interesting option for internet marketing.

So try out DestructingMessage and do let me know your opinions through your comments.

This Post DestructingMessage: How to send self destructing Emails? is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Take Full control of Files & Folders with Access Control Changer [Windows Freeware]

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 07:50 AM PST

Access denied errors are quiet common when we try to access files or folders from one user account to the other on the same system or, when permissions for the folders are set set to disallow you to open some files or folders.

We often create different user accounts on our system, but receiving such errors can be quiet annoying at times when it is urgent to access important file or folder.  You are left helpless, googling for the solution and google coming up with list of spammed software solutions that are either useless or you will need to pay to use them. Same thing happened to me after which i discovered a freeware named Access Control Changer.

Access Control Changer is a freeware utility that allows you to change file permissions of any file or folder allowing you to read-write, change or take full access over the file or folder. From the application UI, select the file or folder for which you want to change the permissions, click change and click ok for the confirmation of the change. You get the desired permissions set for your folder!

Permissions -

  • None – Restrict the user to access the file/folder
  • Read – Allow read only permissions to the file/folder
  • Write – Allow only write permissions to file/folder
  • Change – Allow changing the file/folder
  • Full Control – Allow full permissions to file/folder

Download Access Control Changer now! Do you use any such freeware? Let us know..

This Post Take Full control of Files & Folders with Access Control Changer [Windows Freeware] is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Grasp the Importance of Twitter Search to Drive Traffic to your Website

Posted: 07 Mar 2010 02:26 AM PST

“Twitter” is the word that doesn’t need any introduction or initiation. It is the keyword that has been the most searched word for the year 2009. Now a days many people know about the Twitter and its importance.

Twitter is the best platform for many aspects Social Networking, Business, Marketing, Promoting etc. I have been worried that many people know about Twitter but a very few know about Twitter search. Even I was ignorant of it’s importance until I came to experience its impact.

I will strongly recommend you to depend on the Twitter Search rather than Twitter if you are a Twitter Freak or Twitter devotee.

But folks, Twitter Search is a Holy place where you can find conversations on anything and everything. Twitter Search in realtime helps us to find what the world is doing right now. This is the best place for you to listen to people, help, engage, suggest and support at relevant places.

It’s through the Twitter Search not through the ordinary Twitter, you can increase your visibility and popularity that which drives a great traffic for your Website/Blog, and it also even creates a certain community of reader for you too.

I thought of a few things that can help you get started with Twitter Search

#1. Performing the Simple Search :

  • Type to Key-word that you want to search, you will find the tweets resembling to the given key-word.
  • This can be better explained with an example : Type Blog, it will give all the tweets that are related the word Blog.

#2. To Find the Exact Results of the Given Key-word :

  • In-order to get the exact results just type “Key-word” in double quotes.
  • Lets us try with the same above example : Type “Blog”, it will give the tweets that are exactly having word “Blog” in the tweet.

#3. Search Tweets of a Twitter User :

  • Using this you can also search the tweets of a specific person by just typing from:twitter-username, so that you can find the tweets of the person whom you are searching for.
  • Lets check it out with an example : Type from:devils_workshop, it will give tweets(latest) of devils_workshop. (Issue here that might arise is if you are offline in twitter this may not work and the result will be “no results from:twitter-username”. Then you are going to lose a great chance of driving the traffic into your website)

#4. Search the Tweets given to the Twitter User :

  • With this you can find the tweets given to a specific person by just typing to:twitter-username which gives @replies sent by the other user to a specified user.
  • Lets Check it out with an example : Type to:devils_workshop, it will give the tweets received by devils_workshop from the other users.

Do try out these searches with Twitter Search and let me know your thoughts with your comments.

This Post Grasp the Importance of Twitter Search to Drive Traffic to your Website is Published on Devils Workshop .

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