Thursday, February 11, 2010

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Disable Google Buzz Updates from Reaching your Inbox

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 11:42 AM PST

One of our readers posted a question in the comments on our previous post- Don’t like Google Buzz?? Remove it, asking “A way to make Buzz not email the updates?” So, we decided to write on it. We simply need to create a filter with “label:buzz“.

The 3 step method is explained below-

Step 1- Click on the option “Create a filter“  besides your search box in gmail.


Step 2- Enter “label:buzz” in the  “Has the words“  column, and move to next step. Ignore the pop-up clicking on “ok”.


Step 3- In the final step, select the check box “Skip the inbox (Archive it) , so as to skip the inbox.


And if you want to save the existing conversations, then also select the last check box to apply the filter to existing conversations, before creating the filter.


With these three simple steps,you can prevent Google Buzz updates from reaching your inbox. If you want to turn off Buzz completely, then have a look at the post- Don’t like Google Buzz?? Remove it.

Credit- [Life Hacker]

This Post Disable Google Buzz Updates from Reaching your Inbox is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Web tool to get rid of addiction to certain websites

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 08:05 AM PST

Many of us who work in the business of internet we often have to work had at ignoring Facebook, Twitter and so many other distractions which sometimes are necessary to network but can also be a huge sap on the time you actually should be spending working.
Some companies block certain websites while some allow a more open environment and expect their employees to practice self control on not wasting too much time on social networks or on unproductive internet surfing. As far as self regulation is concerned here is a novel website which can allow you to regulate the amount of time you spend on a particular website.


  • Enter the URL of the  website you want to restrict your visit. Do not use ‘http://’ with the URL.
  • Check the time you want as minimum between new visits to the website. It is 90 minutes by default.
  • When you click on “Create URL” you get a new url which is created by the website. Replace that url with your Bookmark to your favorite page.
  • Once you visit the page and close the Tab you cannot visit the page for the minimum time you have set.
  • The one draw back is this work only if you use it through Bookmarks on the browser. Same URl can easily be opened if you enter it in the address bar.

I liked this website as it also has a timer which can actually display a time you are spending on a particular website. I think more than controlling the time between visits a display of the actual time in minutes and seconds spent on a website can be a big wake up call. Do try out To visit or Not and drop in your comments.

This Post Web tool to get rid of addiction to certain websites is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Don’t like Google Buzz? Remove it

Posted: 11 Feb 2010 02:50 AM PST

Google Buzz is out and many if not all have already got it with their Gmail account. I have come across some dissapointment but not too much. I guess there are mixed feelings about Google Buzz but not yet too much negatives about it. I don’t think it is going the Google Wave way.


One thing that is scary with Google Buzz is that if you are using Gmail for work and personal then you might end up having 100s of contacts who might make their way as your followers on Buzz. I have a couple of Gmail accounts and both have Google Buzz enabled. One of them I would like to use for sharing things on Google Buzz but the other I would not want spamming my Inbox. This by the way happens when once you comment on something  and someone else adds to the comment.

  • Simplest way of Google Buzz being removed from your Gmail account is log into your Gmail account. Then go right down to the end of the page. Here you will see the link “Turn Off Buzz”. Clicking on it removes Buzz from Gmail. Don’t worry that does not mean you cannot share stuff on Buzz.


  • Just send a mail with your contents to and the contents are shared on Google Buzz.
  • If you want Buzz on Gmail, go to the same link at the bottom of the page. The link will be “Turn on Buzz”; click on it and you are set.
  • I think this is a boon and I will probably switch off Buzz on my personal email while keep it for the Gmail account I use for sharing, storing and reading stuff.

Let me know your opinions through your comments.

This Post Don’t like Google Buzz? Remove it is Published on Devils Workshop .

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