Friday, February 5, 2010

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Get vertical tabs with Chrome

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 07:14 AM PST

Browsers have really evolved every since they had something called Tab browsing. No need to open 10 seperate windows as all of them would open in tabs under just one window. It was started by Opera browser and now any browser worthy of being mentioned has tab browsing.

I usually use Chrome browser since the last couple of months. Do switch between Firefox as I do use it for my favourite add-ons but I can not help using Chrome more and more. At any given time I am signed into two email accounts, Facebook, Google Reader and all the blogs on rtBlogs. That is a total of 9  tabs I have open on Chrome at any point of time. This does mean I can easily have 15-20 tabs open when I start looking up pages and lose track. This is where the vertical tab look-up extension helps a great deal.

Here is an image of the vertical tab extension works in Chrome.


This extension is really useful and I wonder why it is not a feature in all browsers. I think Internet Explorer 8.0 does have similar functionality with Tab List and even Firefox on the right hand corner has a list showing all tabs. But they are not as impressive and useful as this extension. Because it is an extension and not a feature there are options like allowing the extension to display the number of tabs open to also having a search box to look up the tabs.

If you are reading this post with Google Chrome download the extension by clicking here.

Let me know what do you think about the vertical lookup of tabs. Will you find it useful?

This Post Get vertical tabs with Chrome is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Get messenger like notifications from multiple Gmail accounts

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 12:11 AM PST

Gmail has now a days become the first choice email for many and very often we have more than 2 or 3 Gmail accounts. For instance you might have separate Gmail accounts for your blog, personal mail and work related email. As you might know that we at rtCamp use Google apps and I have a personal Gmail account. So monitoring multiple account makes sense for me.
I wrote a few days ago about using Greasemonkey scripts to use multiple Gmail accounts from the same page.

Now I wanted to share with you Gmail Manager 0.6 which is a Firefox add-on. In the case you have some concerns having Greasemonkey scripts running on your browser from a security angle; Gmail manager makes a lot of sense.


About Gmail Manager

  • Gmail Manager add-on can be downloaded by clicking here. Once the add-on is downloaded restart Firefox browser.
  • The add-on options allows your enter your Gmail ID and Password. This will give you notification for any acocunt when you get an email.
  • Just clicking on the relevant account will take you directly to your Inbox.
  • If you hover your mouse pointer over the Account tag; you will get a pop-up which shows your emails that are in your inbox. Unfortunately you cannot go directly to the email from the pop-up. I guess that is what can be considered room for improvement.

If you are using Firefox browser and have a lot of active Gmail accounts Gmail Manager add-on is something which should interest you.

This Post Get messenger like notifications from multiple Gmail accounts is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Face Morphing Software from Orkut: People Hopper

Posted: 04 Feb 2010 11:01 PM PST

Face morphing is one of the technology which I personally enjoy a lot. Converting a boy into a girl, converting a man into tiger or any other animal and so on. This is fascinating to me and I'm sure those who have tried other Face morphing software will enjoy Face morphing a lot.

Google has released an application for Orkut named as People hopper which will let you morph any of your friend face into other friend face and you can see the cycle of changes.

face_morphing_orkut You can add this application by clicking on this link. Though  other orkut user reported that this application is not working into their account but it seems to be working fine for my Orkut profile. Note : I tested this on Google powered chrome browser.

Have you tried this face morphing application yet? Do  let me know if this is working for you or not.

This Post Face Morphing Software from Orkut: People Hopper is Published on Devils Workshop .

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