Sunday, August 15, 2010

Nita's Random Thoughts

Nita's Random Thoughts

Direct Satellite TV Offers

Posted: 15 Aug 2010 10:08 AM PDT

When we transfer to our new home, I am trying to convince the husband to switch to Dish TV. You see, we have been consistently receiving direct satellite tv offers via email and I could not help but get interested. My interest was specifically piqued by the tv pricing of, which has been receiving rave reviews as far as signal quality and service are concerned. What sets it apart from regular, analog cable subscription is that picture and sound definition is in crisp digital-quality. This really means a lot considering that we will be paying just a fraction of what we are currently paying for. A redifinition of the tv viewing experience indeed. We have long been analog cable subscribers and I feel that the switch to a new home should signal a new tv service provider as well. With, I am confident that the service would marry the elements of quality feeds, extensive programming and reasonable pricing. I will accept no less than this since the site has assured us the hottest shows, the biggest movies and the most anticipated sporting events. Best of all, they have TFC! :D I sure hope the hubby would consider my request.

Math Help

Posted: 15 Aug 2010 10:00 AM PDT

I have to admit, math was never my strongest subject while growing up. Just staring at numbers was enough to get me all dizzy. It used to take me forever to work an Algebra problem. Those pythagorian theorems drove me off the wall. And review sessions at the library were all in naught. And for this, I am doubly thankful for my husband who is math smart! When I think about it, learning math wouldn't be that bad, if I had access to sites like With its wide array of reviewers and math lesson plans, I am pretty sure that my math skills (if I even had them at all) would have gotten that needed boost. But that is water under the bridge. I now have my chance of rectifying my sad past in mathematics by weaving the magic of with my children. Before I know it, my kids will be the ones needing the likes of Homework help, Math help and Algebra help. That's knowledge and math confidence right at their fingertips. How I wish I had this chance back in the day too! Now, I'm sure learning won't be half as bad as the way it used to be.