Tuesday, January 12, 2010

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Look up entire Wikipedia on Google Maps

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 04:32 PM PST

I hardly have met anyone who uses the internet but does not use Wikipedia. Even school kids are now a days wiki something they learn at school. There is one thing we do get in Wikipedia and that is a huge number of locations. From names of countries to small villages are all used while writing article on Wikipedia. There is website which has started a great experiment and that is mix Wikipedia article with Google Maps. The end result is you can literally look up the entire Wikipedia on Google Maps.


As you can see in the image above I decided to wiki Adsense. Wikipedia article shows up to the left of the page with relevant locations being shown to the right side which is actually a Google Map. I clicked on the tag it shows text from the wiki article itself. The text shown with Google maps is also highlighted in the Wikipedia article.

This is an excellent way to mix two services which are often used for research by people. One of my favorite searches on The Full Wiki is searching for famous personalities like Columbus, Alexander or Napoleon who obviously traveled a lot and all of it is usually available on Wikipedia articles. It is quite a great way to pass time reading up these articles with the aid of Google Maps showing exactly where incidents happened.

Below is a video demo of The Full Wiki

Know of any better ways to use this service? Do drop in your comments. ;-)

Link: The Full Wiki

This Post Look up entire Wikipedia on Google Maps is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Google Wave notification on Chrome and Firefox

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 06:53 AM PST

Okay many of you might be aware of Google Wave and by now might have even forgotten about it. Not a lot of people really found Google Wave as important and path breaking as they expected it to be but it is still early days. I will more on that some other day. For now for people using Google Wave I want to share with you a couple of ways to get notifications on while using Chrome or Firefox browser.

Google Wave Logo

Google Wave notification


  1. First just download the Add On for Google Wave from the Mozilla website.
  2. Once the add-on is installed, you need to click on Tools >> Add Ons and then select the options for Google Wave Notifier Add On.
  3. Now enter your Gmail username and password. You can change the refresh time for the Add On to check for new updates.
  4. The updates are displayed at the right hand bottom corner of the browser. It as a small number which shows the number of unread waves. If you hover over it for a few seconds it will show a show a tiny pop up of the subject line of the wave.

Google Chrome:

  1. Install Chrome Extension for Google Wave notification from the extensions library. (Chrome browser needs to be a beta version)
  2. Now once the extension is installed it works automatically and gives notification to the number of waves unread as long as your were signed into Google account.
  3. The notification part is like the Firefox Add-on neatly packed away and visible next to the address bar on Chrome.
  4. The updates are displayed as numbers. If you single click on the extension symbol for wave, it pulls up a list of new unread waves. Click on one of them takes your directly to the new wave.

In case you are using Wave and want to keep an eye on the unread wave messages these two downloads will be quite useful. Do try them and drop in your comments and views.

Download Wave notifier: Firefox Add On | Chrome Extension

This Post Google Wave notification on Chrome and Firefox is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Make unlimited free calls worldwide using Yahoo Messenger!

Posted: 12 Jan 2010 06:30 AM PST

Everyone must have heard of free calls between computers using softwares like Yahoo! Messenger, Skype and Google Talk. Now-a-days calls from mobile-to-computer using GPRS is also common using mobile applications like Fring, Nimbuzz, etc. This is a simple trick to make calls from computer to almost any mobile or landline phone to many countries. All you need is Yahoo! Messenger or Skype or any other calling application which allows paid calling, internet connection with fair speed, speakers and microphone.  1_1

How to make the free call?

The free call is provided by Free411. I will guide you through Yahoo! Messenger.

  1. Enter the number 1800-FREE-411 (1800-3733-411) where you enter the call number and make the call. This is a toll-free number.
  2. Wait for the call to connect. Once it connects, follow the voice instructions to reach the ‘Main Menu’. Say “Free Call” once Main Menu reaches.
  3. Once the system says ‘Dial the number’, dial the number using the dialpad in the international format.


Example, to make call to India, dial 91 followed by a landline or 10 digit mobile number like 919876543210.

That’s it! Your call will be connected… The call limitation is 5 minutes. But you can call again countless number of times!! Sometimes a 20 sec long ad will be played when the call gets connected. Just listen to what the IVR (Interactive Voice Recording) says and follow the instructions.

At times, the system remains busy.In such case, call again, and it will work :-) The procedure is same for Skype too.
This is tested and works in India. Try for different countries and enjoy free calling… :D

This Post Make unlimited free calls worldwide using Yahoo Messenger! is Published on Devils Workshop .

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