Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

Quickly scroll with Chrome browser [Video]

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 07:44 AM PST

There is a song with the words ‘I am just a monkey man’. I am not kidding you, its a fact. The reason I am telling you this is while looking up Google on a friends computer to prove that Rollings Stones actually had a song with the words ‘I am a monkey man’ ; inadvertently I came across a very interesting Chrome extension called Quick Scroll.


Quick Scroll

  • Download the Google Quick Scroll extension to your Chrome browser.
  • When you search for a group of words or quote on Google you will obviously get search results.
  • Clicking on a link takes you to a page; this is where Quick Scroll extension on Chrome kicks in.
  • As you can see in the image above, on the right hand corner of the web-page I got matches for the exact text I had entered before.

This means that now after I click on a search result, the search keywords are automatically highlighted without me needing to search for text on the browser page. Look at the video below for a demo of how this extension works. If you like it do let me know through your comments.

Link: Quick Scroll Extension for Chrome

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Use twitter from any chat messenger

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 04:03 AM PST

I have always found services which help me use Twitter through messenger quite fascinating. As a blogger I have tried many Twitter based desktop applications. But the one I most use to check tweets after a few hours is through MSN. You might have read up on how to use MSN messenger for looking up tweets before on DW.

Tweet Switch is a useful tool which not only allows me to monitor my Twitter account with MSN, but also supports Gtalk, Yahoo Messenger, AIM and ICQ.

Okay why I liked Tweet Switch is because it gives me the option of receiving Tweets on various Messengers with options on switching the selected messengers based on which one I am signed into.


For example I log in with Gtalk, but I log out then the tweets are then sent to another messenger I have specified for example Live Messenger. If I am not signed into Live Messenger, I can have a 3rd Messenger configured to retrieve and send tweets.

How does it do it?

  • Major plus point of Tweet Switch is that I did not need to sign up or register. Only needed to enter my Twitter account details. After that I just needed to enter my chat id for various messengers.
  • A  bot called ‘tweetswitch‘ will be added to your friends list. Just start using the commands for retrieving and sending your tweets through the chat window.

Let me know if you find the idea of looking up and sending Tweets through your chat messenger useful or do you think it does not make much of difference and you would still stick to your handy desktop twitter based application?

Link: Tweet Switch

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Backup your online accounts in a jiffy

Posted: 05 Jan 2010 01:40 AM PST

Imagine, you have all you important messages on Gmail (or any other free services for that matter)  and suddenly, a meteor strikes Google servers deleting all your data! or some Hacker intrudes your account and swipes it clean! What are you going to do? There no guarantee that you'll get it back.


To prevent this horrifying situation, you can backup your data using a service called Backupify (powered by Amazon). This service can backup

  • Gmail
  • Twitter
  • Google Docs
  • Flickr
  • Facebook
  • Basecamp
  • Wordpress
  • Delicious
  • Photobucket
  • Blogger
  • FriendFeed
  • More coming soon… (Tumblr, Youtube, RSSfeed)

If you have a self hosted WordPress blog, you can also use the backupify plugin to backup all your blog post.

If you register your account now (before January 31, 2010), you'll have an account free for life! So, what are you waiting for kiddies? Go get it! Otherwise, you'll have to pay about $4/month.

Link: ZdNet Blogs

[Editor's Note: This post is submitted by our guest blogger Suhas Sharma. He is a 16 year old tech geek who writes about technology at Suhastech.

If you, too would like to write for Devils Workshop, please check this. Details about our revenue sharing programs are here.]

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