Sunday, January 10, 2010

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Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

After images and videos now share files on Twitter

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 07:09 AM PST

I am sure you are aware of the many Twitter applications and services which allow you to share links, photos and even videos. We have already reviewed how you can organize and share Twitter links or even the other way round about how you can share tweet links from You Tube to Twitter.

But what about files? Sharing files through Twitter can be quite handy as I might want to exchange certain text files with my followers rather than have it on a website and then share the link.


About File Social

  • Sign in with your Twitter account and type in your message along with attaching the file by uploading it.
  • The file size limit is 50 MB which I think is so for server efficiency. It seems quite useful for sharing freebies with your tweet followers.
  • There is a File Social desktop app and also a phone app which you can check out at their website. The phone app is available on Android.
  • After sharing the file with my Twitter followers, they can simply click on the link and download the file.

I think this not really a great service for bloggers or internet marketeers who are looking to increase their traffic but I think it would be a awesome way to release some freebies that your company or website might offer. ;-)

Let me know what you think about it through your comments.

Follow on Twitter: @devils_workshop@bombaypirate

Link: File Social

This Post After images and videos now share files on Twitter is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Clean up Windows and free up disk space

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 03:26 AM PST

Here is an application which helps you clean up your Windows Operation system and keep it in top shape. nCleaner is perfect if you want to customize things like advanced system and advanced application cleaning system.

The nCleaner website makes claims that it end up tweaking and cleaning up to 2GB space on the hard disk due to using its features like memory management, System resource monitor, Tweak manager along with a System Adviser. I liked the huge number of options and applications it supported and worked with seamlessly. It offers the casual Windows user something along with a lot of customizable options for someone with some advanced knowledge of Windows.


About nCleaner

  • nCleaner is meant for Windows XP, Vista and 2003. I installed it for Windows 7 and it did work fine.
  • It has support of over 100 applications typically used with Windows and hence allows you to clean up registry.
  • It cleans up disk space significantly especially if you have a Vista or XP with too many applications.
  • It allowed to shred free disk space on hard disk which frees up space but also does not allow recovery of files that were deleted before.

If you are using Windows XP or Vista I think it will be quite a useful tip to clean up the registry along with managing system resources in a more comprehensive way. Let me know if it has helped you out and drop in your comments with your opinions.

Download Link: nCleaner

This Post Clean up Windows and free up disk space is Published on Devils Workshop .

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