Saturday, December 11, 2010

[Devils Workshop] “Inside story: Mobile Number Portability in India!” and 1 more...

[Devils Workshop] “Inside story: Mobile Number Portability in India!” and 1 more...

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Inside story: Mobile Number Portability in India!

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 08:08 AM PST

Much awaited Mobile Number portability or MNP (in short) is just about to launch next year in the first month for Category ‘A’ service areas. The rest of the country shall have to wait till March, 2011 to use the facility.

homelogo Inside story: Mobile Number Portability in India!

logo rcom Inside story: Mobile Number Portability in India! Inside story: Mobile Number Portability in India!

All Logos are respective trademarks for their companies

Generally, a huge number of customers are expecting to change their service providers as soon as MNP is launched in the various telecom circles, however most of them are still un-aware on the ‘What’ and ‘How’ of the process. Lets see what our inside story has to tell you on this:

  • Cost – If you are looking forward to change your operator, you just need to pay only up to Rs. 19 as Porting charges (as per TRAI), however the exact fee shall be decided by the operators themselves. The porting charge is non-refundable even if you want to cancel your request for MNP, which is possible within 24 hours of the request.
  • No Dues – There should be no bills pending with your existing operator if you want to migrate.
  • Time – It shall take a maximum of 4 days for all telecom circles except the states of J&K, Assam and North East where it will take a maximum of 12 days. The number, during this process, shall be disconnected for a maximum time of 2 hours.
  • Minimum usage – A porting request can be made only after 90 days from the date of activation of a connection, or after 90 days from the date of previous porting, in case of a ported number.
  • Instant Reply – A UPC (Unique Porting Code) shall be sent to the mobile phone after a SMS is sent to 1900 (regular SMS tariff applies).
MNP Inside story: Mobile Number Portability in India!


MNP has been successfully implemented in Haryana and Karnataka Telecom circles, however the rest of India awaits the new bride with joy.

Related posts:

-- This Post Inside story: Mobile Number Portability in India! is Published on Devils Workshop .

A new facet to re-use your code snippet with Code Barrel

Posted: 11 Dec 2010 02:30 AM PST

code barrel thumbnail A new facet to re use your code snippet with Code BarrelA few weeks ago, I had written a post on "Search WprdPress stuff with wpseek" and through a feedback I came to know about a web application Code Barrel which provides user the ability to re-use the code, I examined it and got stuck to it including its classy design and sleek navigation, I was hurried to implement it, eventually I signed up a free account and started implementing it.

Code Barrel was first designed for their own development purpose that data can be stored, shared and re-used. It provides functionality like tagging, advanced search copy paste etc. It can also keep track of snippet revision, supports commenting, email notification is sent when snippet is changed. It will assist developers to boost up their work-flow.

Code Barrel is a global and secure central repository or online storage for storing code snippets for re-usability. Code Barrel is a hosted solution, so no need to download client, install or update. It is a perfect solution for software development companies and workgroups.

It supports most of the programming language. It is specifically designed to store and share code snippets among the team that makes developer speed up with their code. Visual Studio is a free code barrel plug-in that can easily be used. An Eclipse plug-in is under development and will be available soon.

code barrel A new facet to re use your code snippet with Code Barrel

You can take a demo here, no account needed.

  • Click Add button on the top-right of the window.
  • Enter the title, its description then select language and add tag to it.
  • Now you can paste your code or import it from file.
  • And you are done with adding the data.
  • You can see the latest activity in the right hand side window.

code A new facet to re use your code snippet with Code Barrel

  • You can view the existing code when you click on any of the snippet as shown in the image below.
  • You can also view and share comment for the code.

panel A new facet to re use your code snippet with Code Barrel

Advantages of using Code Barrel

  • Store code snippets for any programming language.
  • Search and tag your snippets.
  • Track snippet revisions.
  • Comment on your or your teammates snippets.

Thank to Mr. Keir Davis for introducing such facet. I expect it will help a lot.

Do drop in your comments.

Related posts:

-- This Post A new facet to re-use your code snippet with Code Barrel is Published on Devils Workshop .