Saturday, October 30, 2010

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Create and save images with flame effects: Flame Painter

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 06:25 AM PDT

Have you ever thought of playing with fire? I discovered that I could while going through this Photoshop tutorial by Sebastiano.

The Flame Painter is a java enabled online application which enables the user to create visuals using flames. The purpose behind creating this interface was to ensure that everyone can be an artist. The tool is easy to understand with a few basic features common to most illustration oriented software.Apart from setting the HSB, there are other features such as noise, focus, opacity, chaos and most importantly eraser. After creating your artwork, the unique feature which distinguishes this application from the others created by Blaskovic, is that it can be saved. The saved image opens up a new tab from where you can download it your computer.

Screenshots created with Flame Painter

FLame painter online21 Create and save images with flame effects: Flame Painter

Here is another one…

FLame painter online11 Create and save images with flame effects: Flame Painter

The other options apart from the Flame Painter include the Fluid Painter, Pixel Animator as well as online games such as The Others and Fluidz. For me though, Flame Painter steals the show. It's a visual treat and an excellent stress buster. It is actually quite addictive.

Let me know what you guys about it and drop in any similar online tools you know about through your comments.

Link: Flame Painter

-- This Post Create and save images with flame effects: Flame Painter is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Run multiple IE browsers on your PC?

Posted: 30 Oct 2010 05:03 AM PDT

A web designer wants his web-site to be visually same across all the browsers.  Amongst other browsers or even the latter incarnations of Internet Explorer,  IE 6 is a very different animal.

We always want to test  web-sites in various IE versions IE6,  IE7 and IE8 for browser compatibility. But it is always difficult to test on different machines.

There are certain ways to test website on various versions of IE which is mentioned below.

  • What I used to do is to install 3 operating systems on a machine for IE testing, but it consumes a lot of time.
  • We can also make use of IE Tester but in some cases I found this unreliable, so I prefered to avoid it.

But I came across an excellent way to run multiple version of Internet Explorer on standalone computer.

Thanks to spoon browser ,which provides hundreds of desktop applications. It also provides multiple IE version that runs at the same time on standalone PC.

To test all IE browser we can use spoon browser sandbox .

spoonsandbox Run multiple IE browsers on your PC?

Run your applications anywhere, anytime as Spoon virtualization lets you run desktop applications with no installations. Do you know about similar tools to test multiple IE versions? Do drop in your comments.

Link: Spoon Browser

-- This Post Run multiple IE browsers on your PC? is Published on Devils Workshop .

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