Friday, July 23, 2010

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India makes $35 tablet computer

Posted: 23 Jul 2010 09:47 AM PDT

Lately the computer industry in India has been quite interesting. Today the HRD Ministry unveiled a tablet computer which will cost $35. This ridiculously low priced tablet computer will was introduced to the media by Kapil Sibal the HRD Minister.

35 dollar tablet india India makes $35 tablet computer

Image Credits: CNN-IBN

It was created by IISc Bangalore, IIT Bombay, IIT Kanpur, IIT Kharagpur and IIT Madras took part in the research to come up with the innovative tablet meant to be cheap.

Complete list of features have not yet been revealed but here are something it will have.

  • It will be touch screen, single built unit.
  • It will have 2GB RAM and support Wi-Fi connectivity along with USB Port.

The goverment expects this device to be rolled out by 2011 and the main target are students. They expect the price to further fall to only INR 1000/- approx $20. This is obviously not as awaited as the Adam Tablet PC and was quite a surprise.

What are your views? Will it work out well for the Indian consumer? Do drop in your comments.

Here is a video below of the new device and the announcement.

-- This Post India makes $35 tablet computer is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Create 3 color gradient in CSS with online tool

Posted: 22 Jul 2010 11:20 PM PDT

If you are starting off learning CSS, online tools to create CSS code are quite useful. Recently I wrote about creating CSS borders without coding knowledge which was useful for the amateur. I found another nice tool to create 3 color gradients in CSS with an online website.

Gradient CSS online tool Create 3 color gradient in CSS with online tool

3 Color Gradient Generator with CSS 3

  • The 3 boxes at top allowed me to select the three colors of which I wanted the gradient effect. Once selected click on “Generate Gradient“.
  • The results are in three parts. We get the visual representation of the 3 color gradient with like Top to bottom, Left to right and Radial. It also has the code which can be used by copy-pasting it. ;-)

Gradient CSS 3 colors Create 3 color gradient in CSS with online tool

  • The only drawback the website mentions is that the gradients are at equal distance with Firefox 3.6, Chrome and Safari browsers. It might need manual adjustments with other browsers.

I like the 3 color Gradient Generator tool as it does make the repetitive work a little easy to carry out instead of working on it over and over. If you liked this tool you might want to check on how to go about speeding up your CSS coding with CSS generator which is another cool tool.

Do you like online tools which generate CSS? Do let me know through your comment if you know of better alternatives or other such tools.

-- This Post Create 3 color gradient in CSS with online tool is Published on Devils Workshop .

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