Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

5 Steps to writing a great post

Posted: 13 Jul 2010 08:19 AM PDT

I often interact with new bloggers on Facebook and sometimes they end up writing on Devils’ Workshop. This is when I realize that many of them have great ideas and decent style of writing but one thing they find difficult is how to layout the content to make it a great post.

We are introducing Blogger of the Month version 2.0 which might get a lot of new bloggers interested in writing a post for DW. I felt it would be ideal to write a post on 5 steps to writing a great post.

5 steps great post 5 Steps to writing a great postImage Credits: adaevidencelibrary

#1. Headline

The title of the post is very important. It catches your readers attention within seconds and one of the main reasons for someone looking up your blog.

  • Keep the title self explanatory. A reader who looks up the title of a post should feel they can expect certain things. eg: “How to install XYZ software?”
  • Always include your desired SEO keywords in your title. This will be your biggest SEO trick if there is one. ;-)
  • Always write the title in present tense and not in the past. If the post title is in future tense then chances are you should be finishing that title with a question. eg: “Google buys XYZ company” or “Will Google buy XYZ company?”.

#2. Introduction

Now that we have a title lets go ahead with the actual content. You can roughly start with a paragraph that introduces the post to your readers.

  • Introduction is the most important part when you start writing content. Mainly it introduces your reader to the topic at hand. For example if you are writing a post on “Google buys XYZ company” you might want to start of the post with Google recent list of acquisitions or maybe a small introduction of what XYZ company does.
  • You have all the material you want to write but have a ‘writers block’ on how to go about it. Best way to deal with it is to write in the introduction exactly why you sharing this post with your readers.
  • Make sure the introduction is not too extensive. Ideally one small paragraph is perfect but in case its you have more to introduce try sticking to two paragraphs.

#3. The main course

If you post was a menu at a restaurant then what follows the introduction is usually the main course or the main body of content written on a post.

  • There is not ideal amount of words to be used in this part of the post. For instance a detailed tutorial might be even more than a thousand words.
  • This part of the post if its too large you might want to split into parts. Like this post your are reading I have split the main course into 5 steps. ;-)
  • Make sure this part of the post has screen-shots and images which is a ideal in my opinions. Ofcourse where and when to insert images is a personal choice which might change from post to post or from blog to blog for that matter.

#4. The Conclusion

Write a conclusion to your post. This is a way to end your post on a high and every often give your readers your opinion on something and likewise ask your readers to comment and give their opinions.

  • Just like a introduction the conclusion should be precise and short. It should be simple and straight to the point.
  • I personally like writing a couple of lines of my own views on something I’ve written or reviewed. I feel this gives your post that personal touch.
  • Write a conclusion which ends with a question so they feel the need to engage in a dialogue with your post through the comments.

#5. Linking back to your post

Linkbacks to your post allow your readers to visit your older but related posts in a targeted way. This helps us out in improving the bounce rate of your blog.

  • Do not link back to just about any post on your blog. Make sure that the old post you are linking back to is relevant and adds something new to a reader.
  • Avoid filling your post with a lot of links back to your previous article. This is fine if your writing a round up post but on other occasions avoid making the reader think your wrote the current post only to introduce your older posts. It make your reader feel you are not coming up with new stuff.
  • I like linking to previous posts in the introduction section or in the conclusion section of a post. This allows me to be creative in inserting the link and play on the readers interests.
  • Also make sure the links your introduce are relevant to the post. If your current post is about programming dont link it back to a funny post but try to link the post back from a similar category.

This are the 5 steps I use to write a good post. Some of these are my habits suited to writing on tech blog. Ofcourse this can really change from post to post but try to stick to these steps so I find it easier. My steps are really based on reader other blogs and basically this is how I feel good reading content.

If you liked this post you might want to read about 10 things bloggers must check before writing a post. Do you think these steps will help you write a great post? Do let me know by dropping in your comments. :-D

-- This Post 5 Steps to writing a great post is Published on Devils Workshop .

iPhone4 Caught Fire While Charging

Posted: 12 Jul 2010 08:46 PM PDT

Looks like Apple's trouble over iPhone 4 are not going to end soon. If the signal reception problem was not enough, for which Nokia took a dig at Apple, a report now claims that an iPhone 4 caught fire when a user charged it using the cable that accompanied the device.

apple fire thumb iPhone4 Caught Fire While Charging

According to the report, the brand new Apple iPhone 4 caught fire when it was being charged using a standard Apple USB cable hooked to a computer. The cable and the USB port were burnt to varying degree. The phone's metal bezel became very hot and slightly burned the user's hand.


Apple store has confirmed that this was a result of a defective USB port and not because of a customer error. The device will be replaced with a new one.

I sincerely hope this was the only case of its kind and has nothing to do with faulty hardware design or below standard components. Otherwise Apple will have a tough time explaining it to customers. Or they might come up with a solution like iHand. :-p

Link: BGR

-- This Post iPhone4 Caught Fire While Charging is Published on Devils Workshop .