Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

Discuss Blogger of the month version 2.0

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 07:24 AM PDT

Blogger of the month was something we had discontinued temporarily early in January this year but we had promised to bring it back on DW. This is a contest open for all our guest bloggers. Previously the system was simple. A prize money of $100 was given to the blogger of the month.

Yes Blogger of the Month will be back very very soon! :-)

discuss blogger of the month ver2 Discuss Blogger of the month version 2.0

Earlier we had simple statistics to decide on who wins Blogger of the Month contest for that month. We also then allowed it across all our rtBlogs network.

We thought now that we are coming out with Blogger of the Month version 2.0 it would be a great idea to take opinions and suggestions from our readers on what they would like to see with this contest and how to make it bigger.

Some points for you to consider:

  • Should there be one prize or many prizes? For many months we had a $100 dollar prize but then later we did have a prize for the top three ranked authors.
  • Do you want the Blogger of the Month award on per blog or across blog network. Our blog network called rtBlogs has Devils’ Workshop, wpVeda, Fbknol, Orkut Diary and CricTalks. Do you want the author to be ranked number one across the blog networked as No. 1 or on particular blog?
  • How do you want the rating system. Earlier we had a every post rated on English and Presentation along with the context of the post. This was important as news like post got lesser weight overall. Do you have any better ideas?
  • Earlier if you wrote the scored for all the posts written were added and that was the score on which authors were ranked. Do you have any alternative ideas?

The point of this post is we want ideas and a discussion around what you would want to see with Blogger of the Month version 2.0.  So start dropping in your comments with your ideas and we will try to incorporate all of them.

-- This Post Discuss Blogger of the month version 2.0 is Published on Devils Workshop .

Nokia makes fun of Apples iPhone 4′s network loss

Posted: 06 Jul 2010 12:46 AM PDT

You might be aware the the latest iPhone 4 have been having a lot of issues with network being lost if held in the hand and the problem is apparently resolved by using the phone in a case. This has been probably Apple’s biggest embarrassment as it has been know to put out products which are vigorously tested.

Apple has made a great deal of advertisements mocking Windows for its buggy software and the fact that it does not get the simple things right. They have recently thanks to the iPhone, invaded into the territory of Nokia.

So what does Nokia do after Apple iPhone 4 woes? It decides to mock Apple with its own instructions on how you can hold a Nokia handset without losing connectivity. :-P

nokia pokes fun iPhone Nokia makes fun of Apples iPhone 4s network loss

Nokia further mocks iPhone by saying that the key function of its mobile phones is to be able to receive and make calls. :-P

Most times when there is a public relations disaster the competitor will always take advantage of it. We all know about Apple’s fantastic advertising ability especially when they dished it out to Microsoft and lately its response to Adobe’s “we love choice” campaign.

What goes round comes around and I guess it is Apples time to take a few knocks from Nokia.

What are you views on Nokia making fun of iPhone network issues? Do let me know through your comments.

Link: Nokia Conversations

-- This Post Nokia makes fun of Apples iPhone 4′s network loss is Published on Devils Workshop .