Wednesday, May 12, 2010

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YouTube allows videos to be unlisted

Posted: 12 May 2010 04:49 PM PDT

Almost everyone reading this might have their own favorite YouTube channels and videos. As a blogger I sometimes create videos of certain features I am covering so readers can get a better perspective. Obviously all these videos are listed publicly and available for anyone to view even without the need to sign-in to their YouTube account.

Personal videos taken of friends and family function can also be shared by having these videos saved as Private and allowing only certain YouTube accounts to view it. What happens if there is friend who wants to see a private video but does not have a YouTube account?

Google now has a third option which is videos can now be saved as unlisted.

youTube unlisted videos YouTube allows videos to be unlisted

  • The new feature will now not list the video in any search or channel.
  • It will not show up as video under your account either unless you own that account.
  • All someone needs to view the video is get the URL of the video. With only the link someone view the video. So it restricts viewing to only people who know the url of the video. ;-)

YouTube has really ratcheted up its design and features to allow for better sharing and viewing of videos. This one feature will make people use it more often for personal videos. So what do you think about unlisted videos? Will you be using them? Do drop in your comments.

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Printing in Chrome OS: Google Cloud Print

Posted: 12 May 2010 12:56 PM PDT

This is a guest post by Mohit, if you like to showcase your article at Devils’ Workshop do  read: Devils’ Workshop revenue sharing program.

Google chrome OS is all about cloud. All the applications will be on cloud (web apps) such as Gmail, Twitter, Google Docs. You’ll be able to do almost everything on cloud which you do on your PC or Mac. You can chat, email, upload/share photos most of the things a normal user need. But a normal user also need to work on documents. There is Google Docs for that or maybe Microsoft Office’s Cloud version. But what about printing from Chrome OS. Does Google plan to write drivers for all the printers?

Google Cloud print

Google Cloud print

Google came up with a unique and innovative answer to the printing problem. Google plans to launch a cloud solution printing, Google Cloud Print. It will be a web service and can be accessed from anywhere on the web. The Apps will be able to print the documents using Google Cloud Print. First the print document will be sent to the Google Cloud print. then a printer (selected by the user) connected to the service will print the document. The printing will be achieved by either using a normal printer through a proxy (an application installed on a conventional OS with appropriate printer drives) or Cloud aware print. Cloud aware printers will be special devices which will come with firmware capable of printing from cloud. As google puts it

The ideal experience is for your printer to have native support for connecting to cloud print services. Under this model, the printer has no need for a PC connection of any kind or for a print driver. The printer is simply registered with one or more cloud print services and awaits print jobs.

This will mean that you’ll need Cloud aware printer at your home or office or a normal/network printer connected to a PC or Mac or Linux Workstation. But this is expected as Google Chrome OS is not supposed to be a full replacement to Conventional Desktop OS.

Related Links:

Do let us know your thought about Google cloud printer?

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This Post Printing in Chrome OS: Google Cloud Print is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Use Google translate to get correct pronunciations

Posted: 12 May 2010 06:45 AM PDT

Google Translation tools are probably the best ones around on the internet. I often use the Google translate tools to view websites in foreign languages. This is not always as the content translation is not always completely accurate. I have a passing interest in learning German and tried to look up ways to learn translated text. Google with its translation tools was obviously a favorite.

But if you visit Google Translate landing page you can also hear the correct pronunciation of the text which is translated.

google translate voice Use Google translate to get correct pronunciations

About Google Translate

Google recently announced that they are adding a lot more languages to this voice translation which were not used. Hindi, French, German, Madarin, Macedonian and many other languages are included.

This tool is a boon for people who travel and can just type in something in English and get to know the translation along with also how to pronounce that statement. If you are very familiar with a particular language you can also submit a better pronunciation to Google to make it better. ;-)

Many times when you learn a new language you might be unsure of how a word exactly sounds. A small sound misplaced can mean something completely different than what you might have wanted to convey. This is why Google Translate can be quite handy to nail the pronunciation correctly.

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Search Flickr Images Based on Colors with Multicolr Search Lab

Posted: 12 May 2010 03:15 AM PDT

Flickr is one of the most popular picture sharing website. You get millions of pictures according to your requirement. You can choose the images by specific category, tags, license etc. But sometimes keywords are not enough, we prefer to choose the picture according to the colors. This is especially for the people who are very choosy towards blending picture colors properly with the layout of blog or for their personal use.

There is a very useful tool for all color conscious people called "Multicolr Search Lab". Multicolr Search Lab helps you to search images based on colors.

multi clr flckr

You need to select the color from the color palette chart and you will get the images relevant to that color. As soon as you choose the colors the search result will refresh the page with pictures/ images which match with the color you choose.

purple Search Flickr Images Based on Colors with Multicolr Search Lab

You can even choose different colors, up to 10 colors to find pictures.

color Search Flickr Images Based on Colors with Multicolr Search Lab

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This is cool way to check out the images based on colors. It is very useful for designers and artist to get best quality images according to their requirements.

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This Post Search Flickr Images Based on Colors with Multicolr Search Lab is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Gmail allows drag and drop of images within message

Posted: 12 May 2010 12:28 AM PDT

A few days ago I wrote about and also created a video showing how Gmail allows us to drag and drop files as attachments from the desktop rather than looking them up manually and attaching them. Gmail Labs had a feature to include images within a email message. Now they have mixed both features and you can drag and drop images while composing your email.

drag drop images gmail Gmail allows drag and drop of images within message

Use of inserting images within a message

  • There was earlier a add a button labs feature which allowed adding an image within your email message but this feature allowed me to simple drag and drop an image from desktop onto the message window.
  • This really makes using Gmail on a browser almost as simple and efficient as a desktop email client like lets say Live Mail.
  • While I used this feature it did give me some issues while Gmail offline was enabled. Also this feature works only with Chrome browser at the moment and will be introduced across all browser soon according to Gmail Blog.

Do try out this feature if you are using Chrome and let me know what do you think about it through your comments.

Here is a video I created to demonstrate Drag and Drop of images within a Gmail in Chrome.

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This Post Gmail allows drag and drop of images within message is Published on Devils Workshop .

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