Monday, October 10, 2011

PC Solutions Area

PC Solutions Area

Links for 2011-10-09 [Digg]

Posted: 10 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT

  • Joysticks transform US warfare in Afghanistan
    In battle they take out Taliban fighters with joystick-controlled weapons, while back at base American soldiers hook up their Xboxes and kill their way through video games.
  • Stephen Hand of Buckeye Arrested in Sex Attack on Helpless, Mentally Disabled Man
    A Buckeye woman came home on Wednesday to a shocking sight: A man she knew was performing oral...
  • Tesla to Stop Production of Electric Roadster, Shift Focus to Model
    Photo: Tesla Motors Its Role Was to Grab Attention, And It Did That Well The now iconic Tesla Roadster - the car that turned the public perception of electric cars from 'golf cart' to 'I want one!' - is
  • Hack a Soda Bottle into a Solar Light
    The video above shows how a man in an impoverished urban area in the Philippines created a solar light to brighten the densely-packed windowless homes that are dark inside even when the sun is shining brightly.
  • Sperm Donors May Father 'Dozens' of Children
    Lax rules for sperm donors have resulted in some extremely large -- and anonymous -- families in the U.S. and Canada.
  • Fan throws hot dog at Tiger Woods
    A fan has been arrested for running toward the seventh green and throwing a hot dog in the direction of Tiger Woods at the Open.
  • Virus hits US drone fleet: report
    A computer virus has hit the US Predator and Reaper drone fleet that Washington deploys to hunt down militants, logging the keystrokes of pilots remotely flying missions, Wired magazine reported.
  • Blue Angels roar through San Francisco during Fleet Week |
    A lot of people in San Francisco were looking up on Saturday at the Blue Angels as they performed during Fleet Week.
  • NASA Image: Seeing Red
    This NASA Hubble Space Telescope infrared mosaic image represents the sharpest survey of the Galactic Center to date. It reveals a new population of massive stars and new details in complex structures in the hot ionized gas swirling around the central 300 x 115 light-years. This sweeping infrared panorama offers a nearby laboratory for how massive stars form and influence their environment in the often violent nuclear regions of other galaxies. The infrared mosaic was taken with Hubble's Near Infrared Camera and....
  • Five things that should always be free at a restaurant
    I'm not looking for handouts, and I don't think any restaurant is obligated to give things away for free. Upcharges for higher quality substitutions, a bill for chips and salsa and even an auto-gratuity is all well within a restaurant's prerogative.
  • Power or poison? EPA rules could limit coal-fueled plants' emissions
    By forcing plants like Clinch River to curb emissions such as mercury, arsenic and acid gases, the EPA says it can prevent as many as 17,000 premature deaths a year caused by breathing air laced with coal-fueled pollution.
  • Fukushima worker dies, cause unknown
    A worker at Fukushima nuclear plant has died, Tokyo Electric Power Co., the plant’s operator, announced. Tepco said the death is not necessarily linked to radioactive substances. The worker, whose name was not made public, had been working for 46 days at the plant. He helped with the installation of a tank that will be used to process toxic water from the plant’s destroyed nuclear reactors. He was exposed to a total of 2.02 millisieverts of radiation after working three hours a day, according to the company. The dangerous lower limit, after which a person is considered to have an evident increase in cancer risk, is an exposure of 100 millisieverts per year.
  • Gout Symptoms – Indications to Identify the Disease
    Gout disease is very aching irritation of arthritis that causes swelling in bone’s joint. This disease impacts on larger joints of huge toe and also on other joints such as ankle, knee, wrist, foot, elbow, and hand. However, in few cases it might also impacts on shoulder, hips, and spine.