Saturday, May 19, 2012

PC Solutions Area

PC Solutions Area

Links for 2012-05-18 [Digg]

Posted: 19 May 2012 12:00 AM PDT

  • Sacred Order of Geeks: 16 Most Common Typescom
    These days there are as many types of geeks are there are types of wine and strains of Mary Jay. From gadget geeks to math nerds to pop culture fanatics there's
  • Terrell Owens Hits New Low on Dr. Phil
    Believe it or not, but Terrell Owens is still playing football. Not NFL football, mind you. But some little Arena League team in which Owens has pinned hopes on a comeback that will end with a big NFL contract. But it seems no one is listening to the guy who has left a series of burning bridges in his wake and still can't figure out why no one wants him. So let's bring in Dr. Phil!
  • Girls, The Ducks Have Spoken
  • 7 People Who Risked It All to Achieve (Very Stupid) Goals
    Obviously some people seem to be training to win the gold in the screwed-up priorities Olympics.
  • As 50 Million Americans Starve, Republicans Seek to Cut Off Their Food Stamps
    There is something wrong with Republicans who have become cold and heartless to advocate for more entitlements for the wealthy while the poorest of the poor are going to bed hungry. One of the more difficult tasks for the military is teaching soldiers to disassociate their feelings of humanity in combat situations to prevent them from hesitating to fire their weapon if they are ever confronted by an armed adversary. There are many professions that require leaders to have a certain amount of pure objectivity....
  • Seriously Funny: The Sixth Wall talks with Veronique Girma, Producer of International Hit Show Mister French Taste
    Veronique Girma is a woman of contradictions. A Parisian living in Hong Kong. A bank executive turned anthropologist. A successful producer who insists she’s a novice. Over a Skype call with Ms. Girma that she took from a meticulously organized study stacked high with books in her Hong Kong flat, we tried to find the common thread among these inconsistencies. The answer, it turns out, lies in her work.
  • 10 Pick-Up Lines That Would Get Any Guy’s Attention
    Pick-up lines don’t really work, unless of course your aim is just to break the ice. But the funnier they are, the better chance you have at segueing them into a real conversation.
  • Bidets – For Eco Friendly use
    Most people are concerned about saving the environment, but few Americans are willing to give up toilet paper for the sake of ecology.
  • Father of 30 kids by 11 women can't pay child support
    A Tennessee man's problems paying child support aren't so surprising: He has 30 children with 11 different women. *** Snip, Snip!! ***
  • 10 Things Americans Do That Drive Brits Nuts
    American people are some of the loveliest you'll ever meet and make us expats feel all warm, cuddly and very welcome. But just occasionally they do or say something that we Brits find a tad... eccentric.
  • blow job - gale-force wind portraits by tadao cern
    the series pictures over 100 individuals captured in a moment of confrontation with very strong air blown directly in their faces.
  • Trangendered Miss Universe Canada Contestant Takes the Stage
    After much controversy and a rule change, the first-ever transgendered contestant competed in the Miss Universe Canada pageant in Toronto on Thursday night. Jenna Talackova, 23, is from Vancouver, and though she was born male, she underwent sexual reassignment surgery four years ago and was allowed to compete. According to the Daily Mail, Talackova was one of 62 women who strut their stuff in evening gowns and bikinis on stage for a panel of 15 judges. The winner will be crowned on Saturday. ...
  • Son Fulfills Dream That Racism Denied His Mother : NPR
    Friday, Terry Walls is graduating from the same university that rejected his mother because of the color of her skin. Mary Jean Price Walls hadn't spoken about her application to Missouri State University in six decades, until her son uncovered letters in university archives.
  • Lego Land Rover Defender 110 is plasticized perfection [w/video]
    It's official. You really can build anything from Lego blocks. Behold a fully-functional 1:8.5 scale version of a Land Rover Defender 110. This
  • Nightlife: Toga Party and School's Out (PICS)
    Rich's and Escobar both celebrate the end of the school year with parties Thursday night, Rich's being toga-themed, of course. (Photos 1-17 from Rich's, photos 18-27 from Escobar.) PHOTOS BY SON LAM