Wednesday, February 2, 2011

[Devils Workshop] “The World’s First Hack-free Software” and 3 more...

[Devils Workshop] “The World’s First Hack-free Software” and 3 more...

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The World’s First Hack-free Software

Posted: 02 Feb 2011 07:30 AM PST

Nice to imagine a software which can openly tease the entire hacking community, isn’t it? And such a software is now available courtesy of the Open Kernel Labs which has named it "seL4". It is basically a micro-kernel (or an Operating system kernel) which restricts access to your hardware based on preferences. The software identifies who is genuine and who is not; in technical terms which software is a malware and which is not.

DW seL4 2 thumb The Worlds First Hack free Software

Image Credits

seL4 has been mathematically proven to operate without glitches even after being implemented. Will it be able to stop malicious programs or not, time will be the best judge. But if it does succeed what I believe would be the start of another generation of anti-virus mechanism which would be far more advanced than what anti-virus can do today. It would become a secure platform for Banks and Stock markets to run without the fear of hacking and malware. However the technology might take time to become available for general use and till then we shall need to rely on our present anti-virus software only wlEmoticon smilewithtongueout The Worlds First Hack free Software

DW seL4 thumb The Worlds First Hack free Software

Image Credits

Refer to the post written about 3 Antivirus software available for FREE if you are still not sure about which Anti-virus to use for your computer. Also let me know if you feel such a Hack-free system is possible or is it just an assumption which might fail badly! Waiting for you to shoot comments.

Official Link: Open Kernel Labs

Related posts:

-- This Post The World’s First Hack-free Software is Published on Devils Workshop .

JDownloader – All in one download manager for Linux

Posted: 02 Feb 2011 04:30 AM PST

I have been using Ubuntu for few years and was searching for a feature-rich download manager for years. Recently, I came across the best platform independent, all-in-one open source download manager named JDownloader which has attractive features, which substitutes the popular Internet Download (Manager for Windows) in most of it’s features.

  • Platform independent. (Windows, Linux, Mac, ..)
  • Runs on Java 1.5 or higher
  • Completely Open-Source (GPL)
  • 24-hour support
  • Add-ons
  • Download several files parellel
  • Download with multiple connections
  • JD has an own powerful OCR module (JAntiCaptcha)
  • Decrypt RSDF, CCF and DLC Containerfiles
  • Decryptplugins for many services. e.g., UCMS, WordPress, RLSLog….
  • Youtube, Vimeo, clipfish video and Mp3 Download
  • Automatic extractor (including password list search) (Rar archives)
  • Theme Support
  • Multilingual
  • About 110 hoster and over 300 decrypt plug-ins
  • Reconnect with JDLiveHeaderScripts: (1400 router supported)
  • Webupdate
  • Integrated package manager for additional modules (eg. Webinterface, Shutdown)

Screenshot 1 600x450 JDownloader   All in one download manager for Linux

Installing JDownloaded is pretty simple.

Please follow the steps for direct bundle.

Method 1 : Download the file; unzip it and you can start using it as shown in the screenshot below

Screenshot JDownloader 600x411 JDownloader   All in one download manager for Linux

Method 2: Download the script and make it executable by the following ways

  1. Right click “” -> Properties -> Permissions (tab) -> check “Allow executing file as program” -> Ok
  2. double click on -> Run in Terminal — will download all necessary files and you are done with installation.

For beginners, the former method is pretty simple.

NOTE : JDownloader requires Java Runtime Enviroment (jre/jdk) 1.5 or higher. If possible, you should use the latest Java version.

Please share your views on this downloader let me know if there are any other alternative downloaders which you use.

Related posts:

-- This Post JDownloader – All in one download manager for Linux is Published on Devils Workshop .

Google Accuses Bing of Copying Search Results!

Posted: 02 Feb 2011 01:24 AM PST

Google has accused Microsoft’s Bing search of copying their search results. The controversy came up thanks to Google’s search feature which offers corrections to wrong spellings of search queries. Google announced that back in the summer of 2010, they found that the search query ‘torsoraphy‘ when entered on Google search returned the correct spelling as ‘tarsorrhaphy‘.

This you can see in the image below.

google bing copycat Google Accuses Bing of Copying Search Results!

Now with a screenshot released by Google a similar search on Bing gave no search results until suddenly it gave similar search results but without the correction for the misspelt word.

google bing copycat2 Google Accuses Bing of Copying Search Results!

There are many more same results showing up on Bing and Google, especially for odd and strange queries.

How Bing is copying Google?

Google suspects that Microsoft is using some features of Internet Explorer 8. The browser can send date back to Microsoft via suggested sites features. Also this information could have been mined through the Bing toolbar used by IE 8 users.

This issue is probably very embarrassing for Bing and Google is literally scathing in its post by calling Bing as a cheap imitation!

I always preferred Google over Bing because of its simple way of showing useful information related to the search query. Google vs Bing war will continue for sometime more but I think Google has squarely proven it is far ahead of Bing.

In the end Microsoft would probably be wondering, how could a word like ‘tarsorrhaphy cause so much trouble?

What are you views on Bing and Google? Which one do you prefer? Do drop in your comments.

Source: Google’s Blog

Related posts:

-- This Post Google Accuses Bing of Copying Search Results! is Published on Devils Workshop .

Difference between Wikileaks and Facebook! [Funny Poster]

Posted: 01 Feb 2011 10:45 PM PST

As 2010 ended two people were in the news a lot. Jullian Assange because he runs Wikileaks which is publishing information and embarrassing a few corporations and governments.

The other person in the news is Mark Zuckerberg who runs Facebook which through 2010 was accused of leaking our personal information for targeted advertisements.

Recently I came across this poster on polizeros.

assange zuckerberg thumb Difference between Wikileaks and Facebook! [Funny Poster]

The poster makes it quite clear that people and their privacy is a distant second to the privacy of corporations and governments. Whether right or wrong is a different argument, but it seems that for some time Zuckerberg will travel the world over picking up awards and appearing on TV shows, while Assange will travel all over appearing in different courts.

What are your views on privacy, Facebook and Wikileaks? Do drop in your comments.

Related posts:

-- This Post Difference between Wikileaks and Facebook! [Funny Poster] is Published on Devils Workshop .