Thursday, July 8, 2010

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10 Interesting facts about Twitter

Posted: 08 Jul 2010 05:34 AM PDT

Twitter is something I was not fond of but started using slowly and regularly when I started to blog. This is when I realized the many applications for using Twitter. Last month we had a post by Vishwanath Dalvi who wrote about 21 interesting facts about Google. I thought I would do a little research thanks to Wikipedia articles and other sources I managed to put together 10 interesting facts about Twitter. :-)

10 interesting facts twitter 10 Interesting facts about Twitter

  • Twitter was created mainly to stay connected with a group of friends through SMS channels. It was never meant to be used on the internet much and that was the reason for its 140 character limit.
  • Twitter was mostly funded through venture capitalists who funded most of the $ 50 million, Twitter is still operating on.
  • Twitter was founded in 2006 and for the first 3 years as a company Twitter made a total of ‘zero’ dollars in revenues.
  • Twitter is expected to make 1.54 billion dollars by the end of 2013 with over a billion users.
  • Twitter has over over 65 millions tweets everyday and that averages to 750 tweets per second.
  • There are over 70,000 registered applications for Twitter created mostly by people who have no connection to Twitter.
  • The first tweet on Twitter was by Jack Dorsey and the tweet was “Just setting up my twttr” on 21st March 2006.

first tweet 10 Interesting facts about Twitter

  • There are over 75 million Twitter accounts of which only 2546 accounts are verified.
  • Tweets like “i am having lunch’ became known as pointless babbles. A research showed that about 40% of the tweets are in this category.
  • Twitter handles 24 billion search queries a month. Yahoo handles 9.4 billion search queries and Bing handles about 4.1 search queries. This means Twitter is the ranked #2 search engine behind Google which handles about 88 billion search queries. :-)

Hope you found these facts about Twitter as interesting to read as I enjoyed searching and compiling them. If you think I have missed anything interesting or have views on Twitter do drop in your comments. ;-)

-- This Post 10 Interesting facts about Twitter is Published on Devils Workshop .

How to configure Microphone in Ubuntu 10.04 and Skype

Posted: 08 Jul 2010 12:51 AM PDT

Lately I have formatted my PC and revamped with the latest Ubuntu 10.04 and it took some time anda effort to make sure my Microphone was working in Ubuntu. Here's how I did it, based on referring several sources and forums on the internet.

Almost all users must have had problems in setting up microphone initially after successful installation of Linux hence in this article, lets see how to configure microphone in Linux (Ubuntu flavour).

Getting Microphone working in this method is really a child's play.

Just follow these steps:

Step 1:

Go to System -> Preferences -> Sound.

Step 2:

Click the Hardware tab and you will find the Sound driver to be installed and the selected to the default profile !

Now, we are going to change it to our needs.

Screenshot Sound Preferences 3 How to configure Microphone in Ubuntu 10.04 and Skype

Screenshot Sound Preferences 4 How to configure Microphone in Ubuntu 10.04 and Skype

Screenshot Sound Preferences 2 How to configure Microphone in Ubuntu 10.04 and Skype

Step 3:

Now, Go to Input tab and click Microphone 1 (if mic is connected to the jack 1 – Possibly at the back of CPU) or Microphone 2 (if mic is connected to the jack 2 – Possibly in front of CPU)

Screenshot Sound Preferences 1 How to configure Microphone in Ubuntu 10.04 and Skype

Ah, that’s simple and now your Microphone should work fine! Later, I found my mic to be automatically adjusting its volume level and goes down to Zero. :-(

The fourth step is will resolve that problem.

Step 4:

Open Skype (Linux version 2.1 Beta) and follow the screen-shots below.

Screenshot ijeyanthan Skype™ Beta How to configure Microphone in Ubuntu 10.04 and Skype

You must Unselect “Allow Skype to automatically adjust my mixer levels” by removing the tick mark option as below and click Apply followed by Exit.

Screenshot Options1 600x390 How to configure Microphone in Ubuntu 10.04 and Skype

Fortunately, the above method worked for me, hope it works great for you too. This is not only for Skype, but also for all the other IM Clients like Empathy, etc which needs a microphone.

Have you had this issue and did it work out for you? Have any alternatives? Do drop in your views through your comments.

-- This Post How to configure Microphone in Ubuntu 10.04 and Skype is Published on Devils Workshop .