Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nita's Random Thoughts

Nita's Random Thoughts

Health Testing Services

Posted: 16 Jul 2010 10:22 PM PDT

A recent Philippine study showed an alarming increase in the number of infections involving the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), in the country. The results of the study showed that as of November 2009, there were already 1,244 reported cases of HIV infections in the Philippines. However, what is more alarming is the fact that the figure represents only reported cases, and excludes an estimated 66 percent of HIV cases, which have remained unreported, and consequently, unaccounted for. This shocking truth only goes to show that there is a serious need to institutionalize efficient std testing system so that Philippine HIV cases can be monitored and addressed appropriately and immediately. The failure to account and monitor HIV patients may be addressed by same day std testing or herpes testing procedures that should be implemented regularly by health organizations and even employers nationwide. Once in place, these testing procedures are the best chance the Philippines has to avoid a nationwide explosion of HIV infection, stigma and discrimination. If you're one of those who got infected, maybe it is time to get help. Getting help is probably the best thing you can do to yourself and to all the people around you.