Tuesday, December 1, 2009

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Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

Got any suggestions for Adsense? Post them to Google

Posted: 01 Dec 2009 07:33 PM PST

Google-product-Ideas-753081A lot of publishers have complaints against the adsense system. Be it analytics, accidental clicks or just plain ’same ads appearing on the same page’, there are a lot of issues that adsense members want to reach across to the adsense team. And here’s your chance now. For the next two weeks Google Product Ideas will take in suggestions for adsense from anyone having a valid adsense account.

As mentioned earlier, the only prerequisite that you need is a valid adsense account.

At the time of posting 105 ideas from 157 people had been submitted. Of them the main suggestion seem to be

  • More efficient Google adsense and Google analytics collabration
  • Not repeating the same ad (content-wise) on the same page
  • More control over ad-unit once it is created (such as delete the ad-unit or changing the ad-sizes)

You can go to this page to view the suggestions over even post some of your own.

Win $150 Every Month in "Bloggers$ of The Month" Award

Blogger of The Month Writing for Devils Workshop and other blogs in our network just got better!

Now you can be "Blogger$ of The Month" and win from $150 cash prizes, in addition to direct 100% AdSense revnue from your post.

Related posts:

Blogger$ of the Month-changes again..

Posted: 01 Dec 2009 08:47 AM PST


Blogger$ of the Month contest is now adopting a new face for the month of December,2009.

Previously we had the format in which we  have selected the top 3 bloggers for their posts from all the blogs across rtBlogs Network.  The total prize money was $150, which was distributed as $75, $50 and $25 to the these bloggers as per the ranks in the ratings table.

Whats New ??

For this month onwards we will have individual rating tables for 3 of our blogs namely,

A cash prize of $50 would be awarded to the highest ranked bloggers in each of these  rating table’s. The ratings format will be the same as it was in the preceding months and the posts will be rated by our editors.

You can use the same user id and password to login into Facebooknol and crictalks.

Why the change?

The basic idea yet again is to promote the new Bloggers on our platform. But this time, we are also looking for bloggers who are passionate to share information on topics like Facebook and our beloved cricket :D

A suggestion to guest bloggers

Please try to follow the guidelines given by the editors before writing a post.

Important thing to consider is to write quality articles! Spend time on writing good and original post. Refrain from copy paste. A copied post will result in an immediate ban from our network. Include link and image credits if applicable in your posts.

Keep reading..Keep writing :D

Win $150 Every Month in "Bloggers$ of The Month" Award

Blogger of The Month Writing for Devils Workshop and other blogs in our network just got better!

Now you can be "Blogger$ of The Month" and win from $150 cash prizes, in addition to direct 100% AdSense revnue from your post.

Related posts:

Easy to use Favicon Generator web tool

Posted: 01 Dec 2009 06:02 AM PST

A lot of our readers are bloggers or want to start blogs. Some of them might be starting out and still struggle with tiny issues relating to the design of their blogs. One of these issues could be generating Favicons. I came across a website which generates Favicons out off any image file whose size is less than 100 Kb. ;-)

What is a Favicon?

Devils Workshop Favicon

Favicon is a very useful icon for your website which can give your website a sense of identity or even individuality. Most browsers today lookup for Favicons automatically. Favicons are mostly for cosmetic benefit of your website. It does not have any practical purpose except that it can make the website look professional. If you bookmark a particular page most times the browser automatically saves the Favicon of the website.

Favicon Generator

  • Just visit Dagon Design’s Favicon Generator tool and upload an image file. Make sure the image is something that is relevant to your website. The image should be less than 100 Kb is size. It supports JPG, PNG and GIF file formats for images. Resizing of the image into a icon is done automatically by the website.
  • After I selected the file, I needed to click on Upload and the Favicon of size 16X16 pixel was generated. It is given a random name so right click on the Favicon and save it on your computer with a desired name. The file extension of a favicon image is *.ico.
  • Now upload the Favicon image to the root directory of your public web space. Most web browsers will automatically look for it from the root directory and set that as your website’s Favicon. If that does not work use the HTML code given below in the head section for best support for all browsers to show your website’s Favicon. Make sure the code is included on all webpages on your website.

<link rel=”icon” href=”http://example.com/favicon.ico” type=”image/x-icon”>
<link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”http://example.com/favicon.ico” type=”image/x-icon”>

“http://example.com/favicon.ico” is the address of where the image has been stored online. If you choose to store the Favicon image at some other website instead of your own site you can look up a list of 5 sites which host favicons for free.

Win $150 Every Month in "Bloggers$ of The Month" Award

Blogger of The Month Writing for Devils Workshop and other blogs in our network just got better!

Now you can be "Blogger$ of The Month" and win from $150 cash prizes, in addition to direct 100% AdSense revnue from your post.

Related posts:

New Website Translator Widget from Google

Posted: 30 Nov 2009 10:19 PM PST

mnPeople from all over the world can access your site. Although most of them will be comfortable with the default language of your website, be it English or any other, its always possible that someone might want to view it in their own language. Of course they can go to the Google translate site and do the needful, but wouldn’t it be better if you provided that facility in your website itself, as a widget?

Recently Google Translate underwent a revamp, and along with it came new tools. The tool we are talking about here is the translate tool that you can embed in your website/blog. Here’s how you can add it to your blogger blog:

  1. Login to your blogger account and go to your blogs Layout >> Page Elements.1
  2. Now click on Add a Gadget.2
  3. Now select HTML/JavaScript.3
  4. In the new window that opens, enter the following code:
  5. <div id=”google_translate_element”></div><script>
    function googleTranslateElementInit() {
    new google.translate.TranslateElement({
    pageLanguage: ‘en’
    }, ‘google_translate_element’);
    </script><script src=”http://translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit”></script>

  6. That’s it! Click on Save and then take a look at your blog. Simple wasn’t it?

To configure more options you can go to this page.

The feature that I liked the most in this widget is the live translation ie. the page does not reload while it is being translated. Pretty neat, I would say!

When the translation takes place a toolbar can also be seen at the top, which show’s more languages to which you can translate the page into as well as revert back to the original.


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Win $150 Every Month in "Bloggers$ of The Month" Award

Blogger of The Month Writing for Devils Workshop and other blogs in our network just got better!

Now you can be "Blogger$ of The Month" and win from $150 cash prizes, in addition to direct 100% AdSense revnue from your post.

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