Thursday, December 3, 2009

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Check if your Gtalk Friend is Logged in from Mobile, Blackberry Device, Gmail or other Gtalk Client

Posted: 03 Dec 2009 06:30 AM PST

gtalk spyRecently Gmail officially released a labs feature using which you can determine if your (Google) chat contact is using Instant messenger from an android device or elsewhere.  But using the simple trick below, you can figure out if your Google contact is using Gtalk either from Google's official Gtalk client, within the browser (using Gmail), blackberry device or any any other third party Gtalk client. This trick may be useful for spying on your Gtlak contact or keeping an eye on your friends ;)

All you need to do is download and install Digsby, one of the best and recommended Gtalk client, and login with your Gtalk credentials. Whenever your friend becomes visible on Gtalk, just hover over his status on Digsby window and you will be able to see their status as mentioned in the screenshots below:

identify gtalk buddy's client identify gtalk buddy's client2 identify gtalk buddy's client3
 identify gtalk buddy's client4

Hope, if not earlier, at least now you must have understood this quite useful feature of using Digsby. On your friend's status message's 'resource' section, you can check how your friend is logged into Gtalk. If he/she might have logged in from multiple devices then all of them will be listed here.

For those who are still not using this great app (free of course), this may be another reason for you to try it out.

Links: Download Digsby | Read more about Digsby

Similar Post: Check whether someone is Offline, Invisible or Blocked you on Gtalk

(Image credits: Tech Gadget Forums)

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How to set a default font for Gmail?

Posted: 02 Dec 2009 11:25 PM PST

Every time I write an email from my Gmail account, I prefer the Comic Sans font for my message instead of the default one which is Sans Serif. This means every time I start composing an email I have to change the default font.


I came across on the internet, a neat feature which allowed me to change the default font I had with Gmail.

Change default font in Gmail

  • The new feature has to be enabled under the Labs section within settings for Gmail. In the Labs section you need to look up Default Text Styling and select Enable along with saving the changes (see image below).

Gmail >> Settings >> Labs

  • Now  after you have saved the changes, Gmail goes back to your Inbox. Again click on Settings and under the General tab you can see a new option enabled for changing the default font within Gmail (see image below).


  • Select the font from the drop down menu and again save changes. This way you can change the default font you have on Gmail.

Hope you liked this and let me know your thoughts on default fonts with Gmail through your comments. :-)

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