Sunday, December 13, 2009

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Welcome To Devils Workshop!!!

Get the Windows Feel With a Linux Distro

Posted: 13 Dec 2009 03:53 AM PST

windows_vs_linuxAfraid that you might get lost in the ‘confusing’ world of linux, if you were to switch to it? Well worry no more. For here is a Fedora and KDE based distro called Xange. Its also popularly known as Vixta, because of the similarity in its GUI with Microsoft’s Windows Vista.

Its a popular conception that Linux distros are meant only for the Geeks and coding gurus. However dsitros like Ubuntu have proved that just a little knowledge of operating a computer is enough to use systems like these. However still people are shy to make the switch.The main reason being that they just can’t get around the system with its ‘different’ interface.

With Xange, the equation changes totally. The GUI is almost similar to that of Windows Vista. In fact you can see the demo in the video right below:

The current version of the distro is called Xange 2009.09. Its been designed for netbooks, laptops, desktops and servers. According to their official website, the following applications are included in the default distro:

  • Firefox 3.5.1 Web Browser
  • Open Office 3.1 Tools and VLC Multimedia Player
  • Java, Adobe 9 and Google Gadgets
  • Instant messaging with Skype and aMSN
  • Inkscape, Scribus and GIMP 2.6


You can download it from, by click ing on this link: Download

For more screenshots, please click here.

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