Saturday, August 24, 2013

Portable Software

Portable Software

magicka dlc

Posted: 24 Aug 2013 02:35 PM PDT

My Review on Magicka Watchtower Online Game Code

Magicka Watchtower Online Game Code

I purchased the CS6 Extended upgrade as I expected it to work with no severe problems as Adobe upgrades have done so many times in the past. I have been using Adobe Photoshop extensively for ten or fifteen years now, and Extended since it was introduced. I would give every PS edition through CS5 five stars. Because of one specific bug, I can only give CS6 one star as the bug is very severe and affects workflow. Specifically this one bug has two related issues:

Issue 1. There is a window docking bug that currently makes CS6 impossible to use for serious work. Working with two open files is almost next to impossible. One cannot position the one single active window where the user wants it on the screen. It spontaneously snaps back to some varying left hand position. This bug is present in both the 32-bit and 64-bit Photoshop CS6 Extended editions. It has not been not fixed with any of the software updates including the latest software update that I installed this evening. I expected the problem to be fixed by now. I use 64-bit Win-7. As I mentioned, CS5 operates flawlessly, as far as I know, so I depend on CS5 for serious work to avoid dealing with the CS6 window placement problems and its side effects.

Issue 2. Adobe is not interested in bug reports on Photoshop. No bug report forms exist as they exist for other Adobe products.

I nonetheless still use CS6 for experimenting and trying new features on projects where I did not need to reposition windows for work or work with more than one window as eventually the problem will be fixed. At least I hope so, as my CS6 Extended upgrade cost me 400 dollars.

I would recommend users to avoid purchasing Photoshop CS6 until Adobe corrects the window docking problem. BTW, other Adobe CS6 applications that I have purchased also have serious operational bugs affecting their use. I use pre-CS6 versions of these Adobe apps too. Serious CS6 problems are not just limited to Photoshop CS6.


!! Jeff's work-around turned Photoshop CS6 Extended into a usable product. I previously tried Google and Bing searches and searching on the Adobe web site for a fix for this problem with no success. Jeff's suggestion worked! Based on that I will allot three stars to Photoshop operation at "at this instant in time" as it still has an annoying bug. It'll be fixed, and when it happens, I will update my report.

!! Jeff's suggestion was very valuable to me, both technically and professionally. Stick one more star onto the evaluation for customer support. Jeff's input was critical to acceptable product operation. Such feedback is critical to product success.

As a result, I would now raise the rating to four stars with the caveat that users must apply Jeff's workaround in the comments. Hopefully, it will be a five star product soon.


I have been testing the latest and greatest release of Photoshop CS6 for a while now and the bug has been fixed. Being an engineer, I am very impressed with with the customer interaction on problems, and this one specific aspect is very important to me and gives me an excellent feeling about the product. This version is back to the Photoshop that I know. As a result I am upping the stars to five for the Photoshop product and one more for the support. Six stars.

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