Sunday, May 5, 2013

Portable Software

Portable Software

Great for the family

Posted: 05 May 2013 11:53 AM PDT

Best Review on Return to Mysterious Island Download

Return to Mysterious Island Download

This is one of my all time favorite games. You travel to different locations where you receive shooting assignments you must complete in order to progress. For example, you might receive an assignment to get 3 pictures of blue jays flying. You also can do bonus shots for extra money. The skill is taking the needed shot which is graded on size, composition, multiple birds, etc. As the game progresses you earn tools to improve your shots, e.g., magnifiers, night goggles, bird seed, time freezers. You can only chose a limited number of tools for your shoot which you choose by characteristics of the location and the assignment. Over time, you shoot more and more birds and get to chose to replace some of your shots with better shots. It's lots of fun perfecting your pictures and after finishing the assignments you can go back thru your photo journal to fill in missing birds or poses for over 120 birds. The game also allows you to create your own birds for release on the internet. Each shoot is timed and you have a limited number of shots. You need to be quick and accurate in your shots in order to progress.

Get your Return to Mysterious Island Download Now!