Links for 2011-10-08 [Digg] Posted: 09 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT |
Links for 2011-10-07 [Digg] Posted: 08 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT - 6 Green (and Easy) Ways to Heat Your Home
When the temperature starts to drop, heating costs typically go up. While there's not much you can do about energy prices, there are some ways to lower your heating bill, and make your home greener to boot. Here are a few inexpensive and eco-friendly ways to heat your home this winter. - Be Your Own Bank: New Laws Could Unleash Crowdfunding For Startups
As politicians left and right lament that stingy banks won't lend "to get the economy going again," another source of capital sits untapped precisely because the government stands in the way: You, me, and anyone else who wants to invest directly in fledgling companies. - The City That Always Smells: Scratch-and-Sniff Book Tours New York City's Scents
No matter how fine the prose or stunning the photography, any literary attempt to capture the essence of a city will miss the mark on one key characteristic: scent. Urban centers are a menagerie of smells, including everything from the delicious—freshly-baked bread, sizzling garlic, taco trucks—to the atrocious—garbage trucks, roadkill, or the Abercrombie & Fitch cologne counter. - ICE Chief Regularly Sent Child Porn, Ordered to Undergo Mental Evaluation
New details are coming out about the investigation that lead to the arrest of Anthony V. Mangione, South Florida's top immigration cop. The Sun-Sentinel reports that AOL e-mail accounts registered to Mangione regularly sent nude and pornographic images of children, including several images of nude children being spanked. Miami's chief of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement has also been ordered to undergo a mental evaluation. - TSA finds a new way to waste your money
$237 million more dollars down the drain. |
Links for 2011-10-06 [Digg] Posted: 07 Oct 2011 12:00 AM PDT |
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