Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nita's Random Thoughts

Nita's Random Thoughts

Natural Vitamins: Natural Is The Best Way

Posted: 20 May 2011 09:27 PM PDT

Many people say that the natural way is still the best way. You eat natural foods, meaning, those that are naturally occurring in the environment and drink natural fruit juices that are freshly squeezed from real fruits and not those flavored powdered juice drinks. And if you get sick, you just take natural remedies like herbal concoctions and teas. After all, if we operate in the closest possible way to nature, our bodies will be better and healthier because we are not robots but also natural beings.

Some experts say that food allergies have really stemmed from eating unnatural foods. We have also developed food intolerance because our bodies have not been able to build strong defense mechanisms and immunities to these allergens because of lack of nutrition.

Vitamins supplements are another issue. There are many cheap synthetic vitamin and mineral supplements nowadays and they are just readily available over the counter but they are all chemical based. It is still best to choose natural vitamins that are derived from plant sources, especially those that are made from organically grown materials.

The problem nowadays is that we are busy with work and we do not have time to prepare natural foods. We opt for the quick and easy solutions offered by microwave dinners and canned goods. We would also go for cheap drinks and vitamin supplements that offer a quick fix but not long term solutions to our health problems.

This is an eye-opener and a wake-up call. We should really go back to eating and operating the natural way. The results will not happen overnight because the healing of our bodies takes time. But rest assured that if we persevere in doing this, we will surely reap delightful health benefits. We will be healthier, happier, and we will live longer lives.