Thursday, September 30, 2010

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rtCamp’s bulk-hiring with refer-an-employee program!

Posted: 30 Sep 2010 12:47 PM PDT

Careers section at rtCamp on October 1 We are hiring with refer an employee program!(cross-posted from rtCamp’s official blog)

This is a quick post to all devils here who are looking for a job, specially a blogging job! ;-)

In one of our biggest hiring process of recent time, we are looking for 12 new rtCampers to join us for 8 different openings listed here.

This hiring process is bigger than all our recruitment drive in the past. Apart from number of people we are looking for there are many new things happening for the first time:

  • Project manager/team leader opening is new
  • We are hiring full-time social-media/online-marketer for the first time
  • We are open to hire people REMOTELY! ;-)
  • We never used any HR agency or refer-an-employee kind of program.

Well, we need to almost double our team strength in less than a month so we are going bit faster with hiring process this time! :D

About Refer-An-Employee Program

Under this program, you can refer any number of people to rtCamp for any of the openings listed above. If they manage to get a job in rtCamp, you will get Rs. 2000/- cash reward. If they manage to survive 3-months as a rtCamper, you will get another one-time Rs. 3000/- for the same employee!

As we are looking for 12 more rtCampers, you can make whooping Rs. 60,000/- in total!

To refer a friend, please submit their details through this form.

Links: Apply NowRefer A FriendWork Culture & Facilities

-- This Post rtCamp’s bulk-hiring with refer-an-employee program! is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Gmail offers unthreaded conversations!

Posted: 30 Sep 2010 06:22 AM PDT

Gmail gave us Priority Inbox and also a redesign which more prominence to Mails, Contacts and Tasks. It was probably used to make Yahoo Mail and Hotmail users to feel more familiar with the layout. I understood the logic of Gmail but did not like the changes wholeheartedly. I mean many of us do use Gmail because it is different from other services.

One major plus point for me with Gmail is it conversation mode when it comes to emails. The emails are like threaded conversations and ideal to discuss something with a group of friends and get all their responses in one single place like you can see in the image below.

gmail threaded converstations Gmail offers unthreaded conversations!

From a productivity point of view, viewing emails in this way it very useful. But I guess Gmail wants to be a bit more like other email services and has now given us the option of opting out of conversation view.

Opt out of Conversation view with Gmail

gmail conversation view Gmail offers unthreaded conversations!

Just go to Settings while on Gmail and then under the General tab turn Conversation view on or off as you please. If conversation view is off, then the email will be shown individually like it is with Yahoo Mail or Hotmail.

Not very excited with Google trying to be a lot like other services. It focus on functionality is something that sets Google apart and I wish it does not try to ape other services which are inferior.

What are your views on Gmail Converstation view? Do drop in your comments.

Source: Gmail Blog

-- This Post Gmail offers unthreaded conversations! is Published on Devils Workshop .

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