Tuesday, March 23, 2010

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Top 7 Ways to Sell More Ads on Your Blog

Posted: 23 Mar 2010 09:01 PM PDT

Many bloggers have a lot of traffic and get advertising requests; however, they fail to leverage their opportunities. This post will analyze how you can sell more ads on your blog. Here are top 7 ways one can follow to get more advertisers to their blogs:

Sold out advertisement

Advertisement Sold out

1. Use 'Your Ads Here' banners and links

This is the most basic step towards selling ads on your blog website. Most people put it up and pull it off after a few days when they get discouraged with no sale. Keep at it. Patience is required in everything. It is important that you show the 'Advertise Here' or 'Your Ads here' banners on your blog because the advertiser wants to know exactly where their ad will go. And you should create an 'Advertise Here' page on your blog where you show all advertising options on your blog with other details about your blog.

2. Start with a Competitive Price

In the beginning always quote the lowest price which you can accept. Then eventually you can go higher. Each advertiser will review the performance of their ads on your blog for the first few months. So you can initially lure them with a low price or even better offer a special price for the first month. If you keep a high price in the beginning itself, then very few advertisers will try out your ad spots.

3. Twitter Tweets

Twitter is an awesome tool when you have to let people know that you are ready for advertisers on your blog, provided you have a lot of followers – you are sure to get a few enquiries, I always have. Send out a tweet like – “Blog XYZ is now looking for Sponsors! Reply if interested.”

4. Keep Your Ads in a Very Prominent Position

If you were an advertiser then where would you like to keep your ads, obviously at the top! So you should always give your advertisers ad spots that they would really like. Don’t place ad boxes in dark corners of your blog where no one can see them and prospective advertisers would be put off.

5. Do a Post Informing You are Advertising

This point is skipped or forgotten by many bloggers, while many do not know the real benefit of posting an article about the advertising plan which you offer. Most of your readers will also be having websites in your niche, so it is important that you inform that you are offering ad spots. Don’t be shy about letting everyone know about your ad boxes.

6. Don’t Put too many ad boxes

Don’t end up putting too many banner ads on your blog website. Show only fewer banner ads, adding too many ads will damage your image among your blog readers and will also have bad impact on your blog design. Having too many ads will make your blog look like a collection of ads only where your real work will not be much highlighted.

7. Review Your Sponsors Monthly

You can review your advertisers on a monthly basis, so that they get the lime light and get the total readers focus. Also, it will help you in showing the value added benefits you provide on advertising on your blog. You can send additional traffic to your advertiser's website through such promotional posts on your blog.

Any more ways that you know of getting more blogs on a blog, share in the comments section below.

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post Top 7 Ways to Sell More Ads on Your Blog is Published on Devils Workshop .

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You Tube takes down the real time video sharing toolbar

Posted: 23 Mar 2010 04:30 AM PDT

YouTube_logo YouTube has finally decided to put down the limited edition toolbar that was being used for sharing videos with our friends in real time and checking what our friends are watching now. This feature was rolled out to only few YouTube users and it was treated as a fail feature.

Users who tried this toolbar say that this feature did not make any difference to their YouTube usage. So after the failure of this feature, YouTube has removed it. According to the Google employees

The Realtime Toolbar was recently retired and is no longer an available feature on YouTube.
We were excited to release and experiment with Real-time and it has inspired us for new features on YouTube in the future. We look forward to introducing many new features in the coming months.

youtube-real-time-sharingRemoval of this feature doesn't surprise anyone, most of YouTube users are still not aware that any real time sharing toolbar was present on YouTube. Removal of this toolbar makes a sense that YouTube has something better in the store. You Tube recently changed its homepage design too and also announced in official forum that they are developing many new great features like the closed captions feature which was covered a while ago by us. Hope to see them soon and we expect that they will make a big difference.

What do you think about it? Let us know through your comments

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post You Tube takes down the real time video sharing toolbar is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Create a Shortcut to Shutdown/Restart/Lock/Hibernate your Computer

Posted: 23 Mar 2010 03:15 AM PDT

Shortcuts are meant to make specific tasks easier for the user. Adding different program shortcuts on your desktop is a really simple thing but we can even create shortcuts to perform many other tasks as well such as creating  shut down or restart you computer with a shortcut.

Many of you may have an idea on how to create a desktop shortcut to shut down you computer but for those who don't, just follow the guide:

1. Right click on your desktop and navigate to New > Shortcut.


2. Create shortcut wizard will start once you click on new shortcut. In the location bar, type "shutdown -s -t 01" and click Next.


3. You are almost done here, just type the name of the shortcut and click Finish.


A new shortcut will now appear on the desktop.


4. Now if you want to change the icon of the shortcut, right click on the shortcut and select Properties. Click on Change Icon button.


5. It will open a list of icon, simply select the icon and click OK.


6. It will change your desktop shortcut icon. Now all you have to do is double click on the shortcut and it will automatically shut down your computer.


Below is the list of other commands you can use to perform other functions like Restart, Sleep, lock your computer, hibernate etc.


Shutdown.exe -r -t 00


shutdown.exe -h


rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0


Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post Create a Shortcut to Shutdown/Restart/Lock/Hibernate your Computer is Published on Devils Workshop .

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Google uncensors its China searches

Posted: 23 Mar 2010 12:57 AM PDT

You might be aware of Google looking to get out of China because of reservations Google has on censorship and cyber attacks emanating from China which has prompted Google to think about closing down Google China. There were some debate in the past couple of months but finally as expected Google has finally acted on censorship in Google China.

How it started?

Google’s service Gmail had come under cyber attacks under which Google announced that certain accounts were hacked into to attack Chinese activist. Some of these activists are not in China and hence could open a can of worms legally speaking for Google. This is where Google started negotiating with China to take off censorship to its services.

Google uncensored search results for China…

Google yesterday re-routed their servers to host Google China or rather re-routed traffic from Google.cn to Google.com.hk which will give access to Chinese users to get unfiltered and uncensored results. Google claims that this is perfectly legal in their blog. They also have put up another webpage which shows which Google service in China is up and running. You can access that service by clicking here. At the time of writing this post, You Tube, Blogger and Google Sites was blocked completely.

What does this mean for Google?

Google is the first company to challenge censorship in such a direct way in China and that will be difficult. I think Google is taking this extreme step as too much of their systems are open to China so they can be monitored. This also renders the security of their services outside China as under scrutiny. In other words I think Google thinks if it toes the China line, they might be endangering their services outside China to Chinese hackers.

This might be quite a interesting development. What do you think? Will Google be completely shut out from China or will China finally cave in and give in to some demands of the internet giant.

Do drop in your comments and views.

Link: Google Blog

Grab .com domain name for 6$ from Ilovethisdomain.

This Post Google uncensors its China searches is Published on Devils Workshop .

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