Friday, February 19, 2010

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Should Google have bought Twitter instead of coming up with Buzz?

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 07:56 AM PST

It has been over a week since Google introduced Buzz to the world. Some have liked it, others have not really thought it to be very useful. I am somewhere in the middle with my opinion on Buzz. The whole idea of a mash-up of Twitter and Facebook was very exciting. That mash-up is Google Buzz.

Google Buzz is available at Gmail. The constant chatter on Buzz can be a little irritating if not downright offending. Some have wondered why did Google not just create a separate landing page for Buzz like they have for Docs, Calendar and Search. I do think it would be a better way to handle Google Buzz and won’t be surprised if Google does come up with Buzz website very soon.

I think Google Buzz has made its way into the Gmail because of how Yahoo Meme went. Yahoo Meme was supposed to the next Twitter killer and ended up killing pretty much nothing. I won’t be surprised if sometime in the future Yahoo itself kills off Yahoo Meme.

This leaves me to the question on why did Google not just buy Twitter? Would it not be a great idea to have Twitter integrated to Gmail instead of a completely new social media called Buzz. I do not think I would use Twitter any less because of Buzz and it is not that I would stop using Buzz.

Twitter does not have any business model which means they do not operate on revenues as they have not monetized. Google would really make a killing if they bought Twitter and worked on it as a provider of local news or trends. It’s local search capabilities would be very highly useful. Just apply the concept of Page Ranks to Twitter profiles and Adwords to Tweet links and you have a winning model for revenues.

So what do you think? Do you think Google should have bought Twitter instead of coming up with Google Buzz. Do drop in your comments with your views on Google Buzz and Twitter.

This Post Should Google have bought Twitter instead of coming up with Buzz? is Published on Devils Workshop .

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How to use web clipboard with Google Docs? [Video]

Posted: 19 Feb 2010 05:45 AM PST

Google Docs announced recently that it has a web clipboard. This is very crucial for anyone using documents as copying data and pasting it immediately is not something that is always practical. For instance I copy a certain group of cells from a spreadsheet and if it saved in a clipboard then I can use the clipboard to copy those cells into another spreadsheet or even another document.

I really liked Google Docs new clipboard idea and here is how you can start using Google Doc’s web clipboard.

About Clipboard

  • Let’s say you are looking through a spreadsheet full of account details. You want particular cells to be selected and stored in the clipboard.
  • Select what you wanted stored in the clipboard and click on the Clipboard icon. (see image below)

  • You can copy the selected text, image (URL is stored) or table of data and store it in the clipboard for later use.
  • The data is stored in the cloud clipboard for 1 month after which it expires.

I do not think it will be very handy for occasional users of Google Docs but if you are increasingly using Google Docs this will be of valuable use.

Now that we on the topic of cloud clipboards I would really like something more than a ordinary web clipboard. If I stored a particular table on clipboard, it should be available with my colleague who I am sharing the file with. That would be truly a marvel for collaborative projects to embrace Google Docs but alas something like this is not available as yet. :-|

Here is a video I made of how to go about using the web Clipboard in Google Docs.

What do you think? Is Google Docs going the right way to become a big name in web based office applications or is it still a long way off? Do drop in your comments.

This Post How to use web clipboard with Google Docs? [Video] is Published on Devils Workshop .

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